6th January 2024

So, I want to start a blog.

Well I've never really blogged before. I want to center it around my hobbies. They really differ. Most of my free time is used by "tech stuff". I love vintage computers, and all kinds of old-ish tech. I also am interested in modern stuff too. I am trying just to start out with a bland blog, talking about my differnt projects. I am posting this here and on my SpaceHey (spacehey.com/onemoredoughnut) or (blog.spacehey.com/onemoredoughnut)*. Once straw.page starts blog support I'll put it there so you can follow me. Name idea: OneMoreDoughnut Blog

(I know that this is crap, and no one will probably see it. I really don't care.) Send me a friend request if you want. I'll do this every couple days or when I have a new project.

My website: onemoredoughnut.straw.page

*One is my blog and one is my profile